Marine Cloud Brightening

The warming of Earth’s oceans has far reaching impacts that will affect human civilization. Even if we were to halt carbon emissions, the oceans would continue to warm, rise and melt the ice, as they have already absorbed so much heat from the atmosphere. While there are many long term, systemic changes needed to best support the ocean and its creatures, in the near term we can protect against some of the worst impacts in certain regions by brightening marine clouds artificially.

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Cool Cities

The impacts of extreme heat will be exacerbated in cities, due to the urban heat island effect and concentrations of vulnerable populations. Painting a critical mass of roofs and pavement in lighter, more reflective colors can cool cities, offsetting 33% of the urban heat island effect and protecting residents during heat waves.

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Solving for Mega Fire

In recent years, massive and fast-moving fires have devastated communities and forests throughout California and the American West, leaving tragedy, displacement and ruin in their wake. Solving for Mega fire is a comprehensive proposal for taking on the threat of mega fire, even as the climate grows warmer and drier.

In truth, we cannot stop fire where it is meant to burn. The question is whether the fires will be low intensity, moderate burns that renew forests or explosive, high intensity firestorms that destroy communities and whole forest systems.

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